Talking WoW

World of Warcraft Classic Hardcore servers are live. Are you ready for the challenge to make it to level 60 without dying? In this episode of Talking WoW we chat about our expectations for this "new way" to officially play World of Warcraft, make some bold predictions regarding our fates, and try to come to terms with the fact that failure is part of the journey.

A video version of this podcast with closed captions is also available on our YouTube Channel.


Creators & Guests

He/Him, Has Many Alts
He/Him, Lover of Reputation Grinds and Crowd Control

What is Talking WoW?

Talking WoW is a podcast dedicated to everything World of Warcraft. Join hosts Thom, Marty, and guests as they delve into a particular topic in each episode regarding the world of Azeroth and beyond.