Connected Divergents

Procrastination is a nominalization—which means, it's a verb that we conventionally use as a noun. Taking back the "verb" of procrastination allows us to gain insights about what exactly is holding us back & keeping us stuck. The wisdom that lies within our resistance. This was a challenging podcast to record, not because I didn't want to record it, but because I was incredibly emotionally dysregulated from a stressful week. But I wanted to be here. I wanted to record it. I talk about a few ways that I created safety in my nervous system to sit down and press the red button, and why this is a critical principle when we're dealing with procrastination and executive dysfunction.

What is Connected Divergents?

Learn how to work with your executive dysfunction instead of always feeling like you're trying to fight against it. I'm a Radical ADHD & AuDHD Acceptance Coach, and I teach a harm-reduction approach to ADHD & executive functioning so you can step into your neurodivergence and feel at home in your ADHD brain.