Where's the Lemonade?

COVID-19 got you down. Quarantine is playing a number on our emotional and physical selves.
In this episode listen to how Darren & Paige handle their "Cabin Fever".
Will anger and anxiousness take over or are there some things they have found work to ease the stress of uncertainty.

Show Notes

COVID-19 got you down. Quarantine is playing a number on our emotional and physical selves.
In this episode listen to how Darren & Paige handle their "Cabin Fever".
Will anger and anxiousness take over or are there some things they have found work to ease the stress of uncertainty.

Angry and Anxiousness
  • Will the school decide to please (Grading for Distance learning)
    • School just did a pass/fail after our kids have been working hard to do distance learning
    • Tough situation - Needs to be fair for everyone.
    • Are we doing distance learning in the fall?
  • Uncertainty
  • Can't back to our lives
  • See our friends
  • Go see our grandkids
  • Go sit on the beach.
  • Paddleboarding (Is it ok or is it not okay)
  • Hearing different things every day.
    • Sometimes doctors say something (Two Doctors in Bakersfield)
    • Other doctors saying not to leave your house for 18 months. 
    • Lower hospital rates are giving us I little bit of hope. So we push the limits of the stay at home order.
  • Governor says weeks until phase 2 next day is is days.
Fighting Quarantine Fatigue
  • Acknowledge your feelings
  • Get outside and go on a walk
  • Regular phone calls and video chats.
  • Interacting with other
  • Mindfulness, Yoga,
  • Go for a short drive in your car.
  • Say it is ok to feel this way.
  • Suffering in the short-term could pay off in the long term.
Fighting the Anger and Anxiousness
  • Limit how much time you are reading the news and social media.
  • Fill your time with other things. (New Hobby)
    • Everyone in California seems to be fixing their house. Lowes and Homedepot are crazy busy.
    • Read more
    • Gardening
    • New Recipes, baking
    • knitting
    • Painting
    • Drawing
    • Online courses
  • We hate being not in control of our lives so pick something to help other people. We wear masks to help other people feel more comfortable.
  • Play games with your family
  • Pick a series of movies. Becareful watching too much TV. 
  • Be outside. We bought patio furniture to be outside and comfortable.
  • Serve others. 
    • Sidewalk chalk
    • Take treats to locked ins. Even if they don't eat them the thought that counts.
    • Call someone and check in on them.
Lemonade Moment of the Week
The Quarantine has given Madeline time to Bake new things for her shop.
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What is Where's the Lemonade??

They say when life gives you lemons you should make lemonade. Making lemonade is not always easy or possible. For us, we found ourselves single in our 40's with kids at home and starting life over again. Luckily we found each other, online no doubt. When we began blending families, schedules, traditions, and laundry, we discovered lots of lemons. Our podcast is a reflection on how we get through the hard times and enjoy the good times on our new journey together, all with ten kids in tow. Sometimes when life gives you lemons, you make lemon squares. Lemonade might come later.