Reimagine Law

Reimagine Law Trailer Bonus Episode 5 Season 6

Understanding “Mediation”: an alternative route to settling disputes: Part 2

Understanding “Mediation”: an alternative route to settling disputes: Part 2Understanding “Mediation”: an alternative route to settling disputes: Part 2

In Part 2 of this special episode we are joined by Dr Georgina Tsagas, a UK Accredited Mediator and Consultant Solicitor in England & Wales, expert in company law and sustainability, based in London and working across Europe.  Dr Tsagas gives a fascinating insight into the use of “mediation” as an alternative legal route to settling disputes.  We discuss what mediation is (and isn’t), why clients use this dispute resolution method, the skills needed, and some practical examples of disputes where mediation has been used.
In Part 2 of this special episode we are joined by Dr Georgina Tsagas, founder of GT Mediation | Dispute Resolution and a UK Accredited Mediator and Consultant Solicitor in England & Wales, expert in company law and sustainability, based in London and working across Europe. 

We hear how mediation works practically, from evidence gathering to negotiation and closure, and also how “mediator advocates” can be involved in a mediation process (in addition to the mediators themselves).
The skills needed for mediation are explored, and Dr Tsagas offers advice on avenues that can help you build those skills and how to build a career path in this area, including how much experience is often needed to gain such roles. 
Finally, some practical examples are given of cases and types of disputes where mediation can be used successfully, ranging from family business disputes to high-stakes commercial negotiations or international conflicts 
Actions and resources for listeners:
 ·       Read the article ‘The Psychology of Resolution: The art of tackling 'Cognitive Dissonance' in the “Conflict No More” Newsletter by GT Mediation | Dispute Resolution.  Which skills as a lawyer do you think will be particularly key in this specific situation?
·       Think about the use of mediation discussed in the episode: research, and then make a list of key reasons why you think it is a particularly useful way to settle a Workplace Conflict dispute between a Manager and a Team Member? For an example of a Workplace Dispute Read ‘Work-Place Bullying: How to spot it, its connection to the S of ESG and what to do about it?’ in the “Conflict No More” Newsletter by GT Mediation | Dispute Resolution.  

What is Reimagine Law?

A podcast about legal education to help students navigate an increasingly complex set of career path choices, and build the mind-set of being a life-long learner. We're here to promote innovative education, and diverse workforces by democratising access to career advice from both experts and current students alike.