Talking Family Law - The Resolution Podcast

This month we are joined by Natasha Shotunde (Garden Court Chambers), Olamide Ogunrinade (Garden Court Chambers) and Donna Goodsell (Goodsells Family Law) to celebrate Black History Month.  Natasha and Olamide are members of the Black Barristers Network  Donna is one of the Co-Chairs of Resolution’s Equality & Diversity Committee. 
Natasha tells us about the last Race at the Bar report.
The statistics reveal a worrying lack of diversity in the Bar.  Natasha tells us that these figures are due to be updated soon. 
Donna explains that Resolution last surveyed its membership in 2019, which found that the membership was disproportionately white:
Resolution is currently conducting a survey to see whether these figures have improved. 
Donna tells us that the starting point into making Resolution more diverse has been to ensure that the Committees are more diverse. 
Olamide explains the research into the impact of race on outcomes in the Family Court.  
The research continues as to why outcomes are impacted by race. In the meantime, she draws are attention to the anti-racist practice statement produced by the Sussex Quality Circle:
Natasha, Donna and Olamide leave us with an idea for one thing we can all do to make a difference today.  Olamide tells us to be curious.  If we are all curious about each other’s race, religions, and backgrounds we can create a different tomorrow.

What is Talking Family Law - The Resolution Podcast?

Guests take on a topical debate in family law in each episode in this podcast series from Resolution. Our hosts, Simon Blain and Anita Mehta, invite family law experts to share their experiences and anecdotes, in an insightful and entertaining conversation.