Pod Bless Canada

This episode of Pod Bless Canada features a conversation between MLI’s communication officer Ai-Men Lau and Sherap Therchin. Therchin is the executive director of the Canada Tibet Committee, an organization that promotes human rights and democratic freedoms in Tibet.

Therchin and Lau discuss the recent motion that was passed by the Special Committee on Canada-China relations which supported the resumption of dialogue between the representatives of Tibet and the Chinese government. Additionally, they also delve into the current situation in Tibet under Chinese rule as it pertains to freedom, human rights, and democracy. 

Lau and Therchin also explore what Tibet means for Canada-China relations and how Canada should move forward.

Show Notes

This episode of Pod Bless Canada features a conversation between MLI’s communication officer Ai-Men Lau and Sherap Therchin. Therchin is the executive director of the Canada Tibet Committee, an organization that promotes human rights and democratic freedoms in Tibet. Therchin and Lau discuss the recent motion that was passed by the Special Committee on Canada-China relations which supported the resumption of dialogue between the representatives of Tibet and the Chinese government. Additionally, they also delve into the current situation in Tibet under Chinese rule as it pertains to freedom, human rights, and democracy.  Lau and Therchin also explore what Tibet means for Canada-China relations and how Canada should move forward.

What is Pod Bless Canada?

Macdonald-Laurier Institute's premier public policy podcast.