Longevity Optimization with Kayla Barnes-Lentz

Today we sit down with Robert F Kennedy Jr. We have a brief discussion about our current food system, toxic chemicals that we have allowed into our food system, our medical system, big Pharma, and how he will work to fix the entire system should he become President.

We conducted this interview prior to a luncheon that my partner Bobby George hosted, and I co-hosted for Mr. Kennedy.

Show Notes

Today we sit down with Robert F Kennedy Jr. We have a brief discussion about our current food system, toxic chemicals that we have allowed into our food system, our medical system, big Pharma, and how he will work to fix the entire system should he become President.

We conducted this interview prior to a luncheon that my partner Bobby George hosted, and I co-hosted for Mr. Kennedy.

What is Longevity Optimization with Kayla Barnes-Lentz?

Maximizing Human Health and Performance. We discuss: optimal health, nutrition, high-performance, cognitive excellence, biohacking, longevity and more with top experts around the world. Hosted by Kayla Barnes-Lentz.

This podcast is in partnership with my Clinic, LYV The Wellness Space, Investment Fund, Optimal Health Ventures, and my partner, Bobby George.