SCOR INNOVATION PODCAST Trailer Bonus Episode 35 Season 2

Will Hydrogen change your future? Part 3: (Re)insurance implications, Risks & Opportunities

Will Hydrogen change your future? Part 3: (Re)insurance implications, Risks & OpportunitiesWill Hydrogen change your future? Part 3: (Re)insurance implications, Risks & Opportunities


This is the final podcast in a 3-part series on Hydrogen. Today, Michel Krenzer continues the discussion and looks at what hydrogen means for insurers and how insurance will play a key role in the energy transition. In this episode, Michel will interview three SCOR experts of Energy & Construction (re)insurance: David Cosserat, Eric Lenoir & Kevin Lumiste.

In episode 1 we explained the basics of hydrogen. In episode 2, we looked at innovative future hydrogen applications. If you are interested, you can find the previous episodes on our channel.

David is a chemical engineer with 20 years’ experience in risk management, including 15 years in reinsurance. David started his career as a safety engineer providing safety design reviews of heavy industry and oil and gas facilities. He joined the reinsurance industry via a major broking firm where he was a risk engineer and a client executive for oil and gas and power clients. He joined SCOR in Singapore in 2009 as APAC Energy Underwriter before relocating to Sydney to head up the P&C office, focusing on Pacific Treaties. Since August 2018, David has taken the role of Global Head of Energy within SCOR Business Solutions, based in Paris.

Eric is a chemical engineer with 35 years’ experience in the insurance sector. He also holds an Associate in Risk management degree. He started his career with Industrial Risk Insurers in Cleveland, Ohio, USA. He performed loss prevention surveys for large oil & chemical companies in the EMEA region. In 1989, he was transferred to Hartford, CT, USA and oversaw oil & chemical training and guidelines writing. He joined AIG in 1994 in Brussels as a senior chemical engineer and became the worldwide Energy engineering manager overseeing a team of 130 engineers specialized in oil & chemical, power generation, mining and construction. He joined SCOR in early 2015 as risk control practice leader for the Energy entity.

Kevin is a Senior Construction Underwriter based in London and has over 30 years of experience in Engineering Insurance, including CAR, EAR and Operational Power. He has particular experience in EAR, with a focus on Energy and Power construction. Prior to joining SCOR he has worked at Starstone, Zurich, CV Starr, ACE and RSA. Kevin is an experienced market leader of energy construction project policies. He is an active member and contributor to the London Engineering Group, previously having acted as Chairman and Executive Committee member.

Michel Krenzer has over 25 years’ experience in the insurance sector. After working for Foster Wheeler in Paris as a Chemical Engineer, he joined UAP Large Corporate Risks as a Loss Prevention Engineer. He then moved to Oil & Gas underwriting at Sorema in 1995. He moved to London in 1999 to start up a facultative branch office for Sorema before joining SCOR in 2001. He started at SCOR UK as Senior Energy Underwriter and has had various managerial positions within the Large Corporate Risks division of SCOR Global P&C. He was appointed Onshore Energy Manager for Paris and London offices in 2009 and was appointed Global Leader - Onshore Energy in 2018.


The SCOR Innovation Podcast channel sheds light on evolving consumer needs in Life & Health and Property & Casualty (re)insurance and connects them to global ecosystems.