In Development Podcast

On today's episode, Ryan and Mariah talk to Tai Ziola about her experience in designing places that meet the needs of communities. Tai shares a local example that Mariah knows all too well. They also get into examples in different countries of how we can empower communities to get involved in the development process.

Show Notes

Tai Ziola's joined DIALOG as a principal in 2017 when her predecessor firm, newstudio, merged with DIALOG. Tai lends her expertise to a wide range of residential, institutional, and commercial projects. Tai believes that we thrive best in collaborative networks and robust communities. Her definition of a successful project is when the ambitions of the design and the aspirations of the community are both realized.

Tai is a strong advocate for the role of architecture and urban design in improving the livability of our cities. She consistently connects with stakeholder groups, clients, and members of the broader community in her role as project leader and facilitator. Tai's cooperative approach to design has earned the respect of municipal authorities, client groups, and community advocates alike.    

Tai has contributed to her community by serving on numerous charitable and municipal boards. She's a founding member of the Infill Development in Edmonton Association (IDEA) and actively engages in industry committee work. Tai is frequently invited to consult on zoning regulation changes due to her in-depth knowledge of city-building regulatory framework. She has also been asked to participate in the City of Edmonton's Infill Action Collaborative, the Growth Market Intelligence Committee, the Energy Transition Leadership Network, and the Emissions Neutral Buildings Steering Committee.  

Tai is an enthusiast of architectural history and recently founded Sunday Modernism, a collaborative project studying Edmonton's mid-century modern churches and their relationship to modernist urban planning and community-building. 

What is In Development Podcast?

This is the podcast for all you city-builders, city-shapers and city-dwellers out there that care about driving change towards people- centred communities. On In-Development we talk about how Canadian cities develop in and up. We are presented by IDEA, the infill Development in Edmonton Association, a non-profit education and advocacy group bringing together like-minded people working to shape our City.