Woodside Bible Church Detroit

Woodside Bible Church Detroit Trailer Bonus Episode 2436 Season 1

The Gospel + Nothing Else

The Gospel + Nothing ElseThe Gospel + Nothing Else

There is a simplicity to faith in Christ that often times gets lost in man-made qualifications.  Have you ever considered that Salvation is through faith in Christ alone? and not through works also?  This sermon series, Good News, will help you to understand the gospel of Jesus Christ and how it is freedom from the bondage of sin.

Text: Galatians 2:1-21
Big Idea: Nothing but the gospel is needed.
Key question: What does the gospel give us?
1.     The gospel is our source of freedom. (vv. 1-5)
2.     The gospel is our source of ministry. (vv. 6-14)
3.     The gospel is our source of justification. (vv. 15-21)

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