Collisions YYC

In this episode, the Founder of Medlior, Tara Cowling, shares how her team of ‘nerdy researchers’ leverage technology and anonymous data sets - collected and analyzed from Alberta’s world-class Health System Data - to provide evidence to pharmaceutical companies, ultimately improving patient care by informing decision making.

Show Notes

Leveraging data collected here in Alberta, Tara’s team at Medlior can develop scientific studies to support positive patient outcomes worldwide. As a graduate of Alberta IoT's Fast Track Program, Medlior leverages technology and data to accomplish its scientific studies. Tara also highlights why Alberta is a phenomenal place to be a business owner - especially in STEM with the University of Calgary and the University of Alberta’s world-class programs, students and faculties to draw on.

What is Collisions YYC?

Tired of the same old news cycle? Get informed on what’s happening in businesses in Calgary, Alberta and beyond with Collisions YYC.

Tyler Chisholm hosts Alberta’s best and brightest minds who are shaping the very landscape of our province with their work in fields like Technology, FinTech, Energy, Healthcare, Education, AI, and more. Tyler’s inherent curiosity and exploratory style fuel candid conversations with the people who are driving change in our city, our province and the world.

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