Office 365 Distilled

Steve and Marijn check out a HBR article ( that identifies some traits of team that have lost focus and need a little but of a push to move forward.

In this podcast they discuss their experiences and drop a few practical ideas of how a team can move forward when energy is low and some ideas on how to motivate the team and have things in place to resolve issues and steps to take to ensure projects move forward in a positive way.

When you are rolling out MS teams or Migrating SharePoint sites this podcast might help you spot potential delays or problems with delivery in time to step in and keep momentum to the end results and scope.

The boys drink what might become a rare whisky from Mackmara after they recently annouced that they will file for bankrupcy and finding a new buyer to take over the operation... enjoy...

Creators & Guests

Marijn Somers
Microsoft MVP. Freelance Microsoft 365 expert focusing on user adoption and governance. Trainer. Licensed watchmaker.
Steve Dalby
Podcaster "Office365Distilled" Driving Collaboration Business Goals, Speaking about Governance, Whiskey taster and imbiber all round father and good guy.

What is Office 365 Distilled?

This podcast is presented by Marijn and Steve; two experienced Microsoft 365 and SharePoint consultants. In each podcast you will get a smile or two with a chunk of interesting and practical help in Microsoft 365. Then you get introduced you to what we hope is a Whisky you have not tasted before.