The MOVE Against Cancer Podcast

This episode is hosted by Tony Collier, who is an incredibly inspiring individual who despite living with incurable prostate cancer, continues to live an active and fulfilling life, and is passionate about raising awareness of men's health, particularly men's cancers.
Around 52,300 men are diagnosed with prostate cancer in the UK each year.
2,400 men are diagnosed with testicular cancer in the UK each year and this is the most common cancer among young men.
Across the UK, 13 men die by suicide every day, with males accounting for around 75% of all suicides.
Tony gathered some of his friends together to take part in this conversational episode, which raises awareness of men's mental and physical health. Tony says: "We are just trying to get people talking... Maybe, just maybe, this little campaign could help save a father, a brother, a son, a friend, a partner, a man's life".

Trigger Warning: Conversations about Suicide

Episode produced by Kevin Bannon

What is The MOVE Against Cancer Podcast?

Welcome to the Move Against Cancer Podcast.

This podcast aspires to support and inspire people to move, exercise and live an active and fulfilling life despite a cancer diagnosis. We share the stories of ordinary people doing extraordinary things.

We know that many people are scared to stay active during cancer treatment. We know that for some, cancer can take away the hope that comes from dreaming of a future. And we know many people diagnosed with cancer feel isolated and lonely.

We hope that by sharing the stories of others finding their own way through cancer, the Move Against Cancer podcast will provide hope, support and a sense of empowerment to anyone living with or beyond cancer.

Unfortunately, cancer will affect everyone either personally or through our loved ones and so whatever position you are in we hope you will learn and be inspired by our podcast. Thank you so much for listening.