The Authority Builder Podcast

It’s time to finally convert all the fantastic leads on your list who haven’t taken the leap yet…

The single best way I’ve ever found to generate a lead is a book… and for those leads that don’t convert immediately, the single best way to convert them into clients is with a virtual event.

Think webinar, summit, or challenge.

Virtual events are an effective way to get leads to know, like, and trust you…

During an event, leads “sample” the value you bring—and they invest their mst precious asset, time, to pay attention to you. It’s a strong buying signal. 

But what key factors make a successful virtual event?

Steven Pemberton, founder of Hollowco, a done-for-you virtual events company, is here to share his expertise on crafting events that drive qualified leads and land clients. 

What is The Authority Builder Podcast?

The Authority Builder Podcast is the place to come if you are building a professional practice and want to be seen as the leader in your market. We interview the top experts throughout professional services and share insights to help you grow your firm and be positioned as the only choice the clients ever want.

“Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.”
― Calvin Coolidge, 30th President of the United States