Startup Therapy

In today's Startup Therapy Podcast, Wil and Ryan discuss if you can actually build a startup in less than 40 hours a week. Building a successful startup typically requires a significant investment of time and effort. While it's theoretically possible to work on a startup for less than 40 hours a week, it may significantly impact the chances of success. Building a startup is not just one job; it involves planning, research, product development, marketing, and networking. By committing more hours initially, founders can accelerate the growth and development of their startup, potentially leading to a point where they can work fewer hours in the future. Ultimately, the time invested in the early stages can significantly influence the trajectory and potential success of a startup.

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What to Listen For
  • 00:00 Intro
  • 02:16 Time is the only resource you got
  • 05:05 It’s now survival mode
  • 06:21 Why would you start this if you don’t want to put yourself in completely?
  • 08:15 Focus all your energy on one thing
  • 09:25 In a startup, 40 hours is not enough
  • 10:27 You can work less in the future if you work more now
  • 13:43 Time commitment to the business
  • 15:52 When things need to get done, they need to be done
  • 18:43 It depends on how many people will get affected
  • 20:03 It just needs to take time in the beginning
  • 25:07 For startups, everything is variable
  • 27:22 Experience is not a formula for success

What is Startup Therapy?

The "No BS" version of how startups are really built, taught by actual startup Founders who have lived through all of it. Hosts Wil Schroter and Ryan Rutan talk candidly about the intense struggles Founders face both personally and professionally as they try to turn their idea into something that will change the world.