Bucket List Gamers

That's right, much like a long-past-it's-best sitcom or gaming franchise, we're dragging out Series 1 of the Bucket List Gamers Podcast just a little bit longer while we work on the final two episodes!

So this time we're hoping to get a little bit of that Fallout TV Show rub by talking about Bethesda games, and the show itself!

We also discuss the importance of Indiana Jones's whip, why Argonians are the master race and the future of the podcast itself!



We've said it before and we'll say it again... we don't really recommend you purchase anything from www.geekcrate.co.uk.

Jay received 2 Pokemon crates that really weren't worth what they are asking for them, so from our personal experience we just can't in good conscience tell you to go and buy one too.

BUT, one of our Patrons did purchase the Star Wars one, and that ended up being pretty decent so it seems like a mixed bag.

If you REALLY are hell bent on buying one though, use our code 'BLG' at checkout for 15% off, and it'll help us out too!
Thanks to our monthly supporters
  • ZomBev
  • Harry Flynn
  • RicFlair
  • lee jones
  • thesweatyllama
★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★

Creators & Guests

Having been friends since college, when Jay revealed plans for what would later become BLG, Eddie jumped at the chance to be involved. Eddie has been a gamer for as long as anyone can remember, citing The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask as his favourite of all time.
Coming from a writing background, having spent over a decade running WWEBlog, Jay decided it was time to go in a different direction. That direction was gaming and thus the Bucket List Gamers (and Bucket List Board Gamers) were born!

What is Bucket List Gamers?

Each show we take a look at one of the '100 Games to play before you die', as well as discussing the latest releases, consoles, successes and scandals in the gaming world.

From Defender to Daytona, Mario to Metroid and Sonic to Street Fighter, if it's in the 100 the BLG team will play it... eventually!