Wilmington, NC Real Estate Investing & Real Estate Financial Planning™ Podcast

Portfolio loans and portfolio lenders for real estate investors in Wilmington.

Show Notes

Portfolio Loans 101 for Real Estate Investors

Most real estate investors initially use conventional financing options to acquire their rental property portfolio. However, when they hit the limit of conventional loans they can obtain, they may switch to portfolio loan products to continue acquiring properties. Additionally, when doing certain types of partnerships, it may be beneficial to consider portfolio loans.

In this mini-class, James covers the basics of portfolio mortgage financing for real estate investors.

Check out the video from this class here:

Portfolio Loans 101 for Real Estate Investors - Video

In this class, James discusses:

  • An overview of other financing options before we get to portfolio loans and portfolio lenders in Wilmington
  • What are portfolio loans?
  • When do we typically use them as real estate investors?
  • Plus much more...

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Real Estate Agent & Lender Collaborators: Interested in collaborating with us on the Wilmington real estate investor podcast? Book a free consultation to discuss.

What is Wilmington, NC Real Estate Investing & Real Estate Financial Planning™ Podcast?

Learn all about investing in real estate in Wilmington, North Carolina with a combination of real estate financial planning and modeling with numbers specific to Wilmington plus syndicated, more generalized recordings of live and pre-recorded real estate investing classes (not all specific to Wilmington).