The Business Spotlight Series

Lucas Van Der Schalk of Complex

5 Rs - Remove, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Repurpose (downcycle or regenerate).

Good sustainability isn't always to recycle; Reuse is more important (eg milk from reusable bottles), therefore it is better to drink coke from reusable bottles.  When drinking coke, preference should be plastic, can and lastly glass and ensure that it is resuable. Packaging to be sustainable from CO2 point of view

Mindset towards sustainability can be changed with showing people or telling stories, creating testimonials and working together with companies & people to develop good practices.


You can get in touch with Lucas here:
/ lucas-van-der-schalk-31375a7 

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What is The Business Spotlight Series?

One of the world's largest local business education series! Bringing local leaders into the spotlight since 2021!
This series is all about sharing the journeys of successful business owners like yourself and the challenges faced along the way. This is a perfect opportunity to learn from others and be inspired to start your own business!