Conservatives' Guide

In this episode I explore the idea of political decorum and if it is compatible with a cancel culture.

Show Notes

Remember when the press lost their mind over President Trump talking up America First strategies?  The press went to town on Trump for over a week on how bad the decorum behind talking politics overseas.  Why then is the press silent over Biden’s trashing of America on foreign soil?

In today’s episode I take to task Biden’s outright lie that America is doing great economically and that the only problem is caused by the US Supreme Court.  

My conclusion today is simple.  Vote for the republican in November.  I do talk about how republicans have let us down, but the alternative…another democrats majority in congress…spells disaster for America. 

What is Conservatives' Guide?

The American media is no longer neutral, instead, they use their megaphone to influence American power. The ideals of America have been hijacked by people who otherwise dislike or hate American Ideology. The left presents a 'my way or the highway' argument and for decades conservatives have been letting them be—choose to ignore the ignorance. We’ve reached the tipping point and must change our very nature to fight against the liberty stripping ideals. This Podcast is meant as a tool for common sense conservatives to arm themselves against the onslaught of negativity.