The Seven Rays

Talk about all of the 7 ray aspects and qualities, mentions ashrams and Cohans of the Rays

Show Notes

Audio Content  | Approx time start
The nature of the seven rays – Light is the vehicle of consciousness  | 0.00 
The source of Light, the difference between human and deva Kingdom, the devas are the conveyor of the Rays of Light  | 6.06 
1st Ray of Will and Power: Father aspect, scarlet colour, the power to liberate and awaken, overcoming hindrances  | 12.27
2nd Ray of Love-Wisdom: Son aspect, indigo blue, beyond consideration of form, unifying into oneness  | 23.03 
3rd Ray of Mathematically Exact Activity: Mother aspect, emerald green, ordering high abstract conscious reasoning  | 28.38 
4th Ray of Beautifying Harmony overcoming conflict: golden-yellow, Mirror-like Wisdom  | 37.13 
5th Ray of Intelligence, Scientific Reasoning: Orange, collates images of unity and separative degenerative nature of mind  | 38.51 
6th Ray of Devotion/Idealism: Pink, sky-blue energy field interrelating mind with substance (Mulaprakriti)  | 45.19 
7th Ray Ceremony, Cyclic Activity and Materialising Power: Rhythms of the purpose of the field of life, Divine Alchemy  | 57.15 
The planes of perception, cosmic space, consciousness stream, esoteric psychology  | 1.01.45 
Cohans of the rays and Ashrams  | 1.12.19
4th Ray, harmonising the lower plane  | 1.30.23  

What is The Seven Rays?

Talks about the 7 different Rays. References from Alice Bailey’s Esoteric Psychology are explained.