ByteofWhy Podcast

Nash and I are joined by guests Mark @codingmark and Glen @glenmah to discuss all this Autopilot and the FSD Beta software that Tesla has released recently to a select set of Beta testers.

Show Notes

In this episode, Nash from Tesla in the Gong and I are joined by our Guests: Mark @codingmark and Glen @glenmah to discuss the Full Self Driving Beta.

We unpack the experience that @codingmark has had in a Tesla Model X with the Full Self Driving Beta software in California and dive deep into the specifics of how this software release compares to the present Full Self Driving Package Autopilot software suite that the rest of the Tesla Owner community has experienced.

0:00 - Intro
5:08 - An introduction to our Tesla Vehicles
15:08 - Autopilot in 2019
16:05 - 3 Sections of the FSD Beta Breakdown
16:21 - Section 1: FSD Beta in a Residential area
18:08 - Section 2 : FSD Beta transitions from Residential to Downtown
19:40 - An Area of improvement : Older Downtown areas
20:13 - FSD Beta and Roundabouts
21:42 - FSD Beta and Hilly Terrain
23:32 - Is the FSD Beta tentative?
24:42 - FSD Beta Real time decision making - Construction Zones
26:33 - Melbourne Hook Turn
28:03 - Diverging Diamond Interchange
30:03 - Autopilot Rewrite?
30:34 - 4D Autopilot Time Element? Memory?
33:53 - Color Scheme in the FSD Beta UI
35:09 - Tolerance level for the gap when travelling parallel to another car
40:03 - FSD Beta and Smart Summon
42:32 - Back Seat Summon: Shout out to Mark the BackseatBaller
43:14 - FSD Beta and Phantom Braking
47:45 - FSD Beta and Single Lane diverging outwards - Edge Case Discussion
51:50 - FSD Beta and slowing down for Off Ramps
53:25 - FSD Beta and 4-Way Stop Signs
55:12 - FSD Beta and Preemptive Signals (flashing yellows)
57:13 - Urban Autopilot Challenges: Shout out to Tesla Tom and Teslastraya
58:16 - FSD Beta and School Zones/Playground Zones
1:02:23 - FSD Beta and Vision Dependence discussion
1:03:52 - FSD Beta stopping smoothness at a Red Light
1:06:53 - FSD Beta in Canada? Ice and snow discussion: Shout out to @tesla_yeg
1:10:43 - FSD Beta and Speed Limit signs on moving vehicles (back of school bus)
1:14:06 - FSD Beta and Ludicrous Mode? Maybe Mad Max FSD beta Mode?
1:14:58 - FSD Beta and Supercharger Navigation? What does the vehicle do?
1:16:03 - FSD Beta and Wiper Improvements?
1:18:05 - FSD Beta Hoon Mode - Driving Recklessly
1:19:12 - FSD Beta and AQI UI display changes if any?
1:19:39 - FSD Beta and Regenerative Braking
1:19:53 - FSD Beta and Voice Commands
1:20:12 - FSD Beta and the data funnel
1:21:32 - FSD Beta and Out of Order Supercharger Stalls
1:25:24 - Nash's Tesla Model 3 and the User Experience
1:27:25 - FSD Beta and Cabin Camera
1:29:18 - FSD Beta and Passenger Face Vent
1:29:26 - FSD Beta and Dynamic Brake Lights?
1:30:50 - FSD Beta and Driving Visualization improvements
1:31:32 - FSD Beta and Speed Assist Improvements
1:33:50 - Improved Efficiency
1:34:17 - Questions from Chat and Twitter
1:39:45 - Outro

What is ByteofWhy Podcast?

The goal of this channel is to have informed discussions about how Tesla vehicles and their associated software suites perform in various scenarios. Each episode we plan to either educate the audience about data collected from our vehicles or discuss a topic with a guest or two.