Midlife Confidence

Have you ever felt like what used to work, isn't working any more? Michael Ann is a seasoned teacher who is having an unexpected and bewildering teaching experience this year. In this coaching session, you’ll hear how she slows down and starts coming up with some really great insights as she redefines what it means to connect with her students.

Show Notes

Join my friend Michael Ann and I today as we do some coaching on a big challenge she’s facing. She’s a seasoned teacher who is having an unexpected and bewildering teaching experience this year. You’ll hear how Michael Ann slows down and starts coming up with some really great insights as she redefines what it means to connect with her students. We’ve all faced similar feelings of loss and disconnection through a move, getting settled in a new job or having kids leave home – any changes in our life that leave us feeling disoriented for a while. When things that used to work, don’t work so well anymore. It’s a good time to ask ourselves some deep questions about what will work now.

In this episode:
  • Giving ourselves some space and compassion in new situations
  • Questioning the assumptions our brain offers to us
  • Deciding how we want to feel in a situation
Show notes:

What is Midlife Confidence?

No need for a midlife crisis – it’s time for your midlife quest! Now is the perfect time to enjoy more peace and purpose in your life. Join life coach Vauna Davis to discover how to get past those thoughts and feelings getting in the way of the life you want. Because a beautiful life comes from a beautiful mind. Get your mind, body, and spirit working together to make that dream a reality. Vauna has lots of experience to share about loving life in the middle as a wife, mom of 4 grown children, entrepreneur, life coach, and member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. What's possible for you? Let’s find out together! New episodes every 2 weeks. Learn more at midlifeconfidencecoach.com.