KPFA Radio

Sabrina Jacobs interviews Gabriel Manyangadze, Program Manager for SAFCEI – South African Faith Communities Environment Institute about the rebranding of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’s Organization Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa and their upcoming summit of self-aggrandizement and lies being held in Tanzania.

U.S. Right to Know documents on AGRA funding:

Article by Timothy A. Wise in Inter Press Service News Agency:

For those who were unable to attend or wish to revisit the discussions, a recording of the press conference is available here:

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Our podcast includes episodes of KPFA Radio shows as well as station updates and donor highlights.
KPFA is a community powered radio station that creates and curates a unique mix of music, informed public affairs, culture, and news. Since 1949, KPFA has investigated the contemporary intersections of class, race, distribution of wealth and it’s affects on the citizens of our Northern and Central California coverage area.