All About Beer

All About Beer Trailer Bonus Episode 50 Season 1

AAB 050: Oh, So Many Ways to Hop a Beer

AAB 050: Oh, So Many Ways to Hop a BeerAAB 050: Oh, So Many Ways to Hop a Beer

In the early days of craft beer, hopping was limited to bittering hops, flavor hops and aroma hops, added early, late and later in the boil.  Then dry hopping became very popular, particularly with IPAs.  As hops came to dominate the craft beer discussion, brewers began experimenting with all manner of hopping techniques in an effort to extract new, interesting and stable hop flavors and boost the overall hoppiness in their beers.  What are all these hopping techniques and what do they do?

This Episode is Sponsored by:

Estrella Galicia
Estrella Galicia is an independent, family-owned brewery  in northwest Spain, founded in 1906.
Estrella Galicia Cerveza Especial is a world class lager, brewed using the finest Spanish malts, locally  cultivated Galician hops and the best brewing practices, in a state-of-the-art facility in La Coruña . Recognized around the world for quality and exceptional character. Estrella Galicia is “A beer like no other.”

  • Hosts: Em Sauter and Don Tse
  • Guests: Van Havig, Mark Bjornstad
  • Sponsors: Estrella Galicia, All About Beer
  • Tags: Hops, Hops, Hops, Hops
  • Photo: courtesy of Don Tse

The following music was used for this media project:
Music: Awesome Call by Kevin MacLeod
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Creators & Guests

Em Sauter
#VisualDrinksEducation. Founder/Cartoonist of Pints and Panels. Advanced Cicerone. Intl Beer Judge. Author. Journalist. Happiest when on a train, drinking good beer or watching baseball.
The Don of Beer
Cerevisaphile. Uisgebeathaist. Writer. Consultant. Mashing to the beat of my own drummer. Cenosillicaphobic. Sometimes I post affiliate
All About Beer
Est. 1979. Beer news, reviews, podcasts, and features from America’s oldest beer media brand. Posts by John Holl & Andy Crouch.

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All About Beer's podcast channel brings you the most engaging and exciting voices in beer today. We keep you updated on all that’s happening in the world of beer.