Live Your Heart Out with Conni Biesalski

On this episode of Live Your Heart Out, Conni interviews Peta Kelly, successful entrepreneur, speaker, and mother who is changing the world for millennials.

Peta is running a successful business, helping other millennials to feel more aligned with themselves, what they want to, and where they’re going in life and business. She emphasises the importance of play in daily life.

Show Notes

On this episode of Live Your Heart Out, Conni interviews Peta Kelly, successful entrepreneur, speaker, and mother who is changing the world for millennials.

Peta is running a successful business, helping other millennials to feel more aligned with themselves, what they want to, and where they’re going in life and business. She emphasises the importance of play in daily life. You can find more information about Peta on her website, Instagram, and Facebook Page.

In this episode, you’ll find out:

  • How Peta got to where she is today, from studying to be a medical doctor to growing and leading young people through her business.
  • What she tells people who want to make a change but are afraid to.
  • What helps Peta connect with her intuition.
  • How she pursues her calling in a way that feels good every. single. day.
  • How Peta stays sane with everything she has going on.
  • Why checking in with her soul is so important.
  • How to get more in touch with your playful side.
  • How to navigate negative backlash from the naysayers.

We touch on some really important messages:

  • Giving yourself credit for every choice up until now.
  • Living your ideal life every day.
  • Living as abundantly as you can and thrive as much as you want.
  • Feeling scared and having doubt is not abnormal.

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Love ya,


What is Live Your Heart Out with Conni Biesalski?

The Live Your Heart Out Podcast is all about personal growth and lifestyle design for wild hearts, soulpreneurs and change-makers. It is a deep dive into the exploration of what it means to live a meaningful life. Conni Biesalski is a queer creative entrepreneur, blogger, YouTuber, vegan Yogi and digital nomad. Her mission is to show people that it is safe to be themselves.
The show features a mix of solo musings in Conni's raw+real, unplugged style as well as interviews with inspiring humans. Topics include personal development, raising consciousness, plant-based health, creativity, entrepreneurship, LGBTQ issues, holistic living, relationships, sex..all the good stuff!
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