Matt Ready Hosts The Mindful Activist

It is time for all of humanity to work together as one entity for the betterment of all humans. We can use technology to do this unlike ever before. We will allow many different facilitation leaders/ teams attempt to harmoniously facilitate all humans. Each gets one hour to do it. Provide links to your platforms if you have one. All invited. All are equal. All ages. All humans.

Show Notes

It is time for all of humanity to work together as one entity for the betterment of all humans.  We can use technology to do this unlike ever before.  We will allow many different facilitation leaders/ teams attempt to harmoniously facilitate all humans.  Each gets one hour to do it.  Provide links to your platforms if you have one.  All invited.  All are equal.  All ages.  All humans.

My name is Matthew William Ready.  You can learn more about my facilitation methods, values, ideas, and much more on my Twitter @MeditationMatt, also Instagram, also Youtube.  I am an activist and currently an elected official:  A public hospital commissioner in Port Townsend Wa.  Nothing I say anywhere should be construed as representing the hospital district, or any group, or any person other than myself unless I otherwise specify.  Other media and creators are welcome to use this audio, remix it, whatever you want with it as long as you are trying to make the world better for it.  Thanks.  May you find happiness, laughter, peace, safety, friendship, truth, and wonder forever.  -Matt

What is Matt Ready Hosts The Mindful Activist?

Activist Artist Philosopher Politician Author Matt Ready hosts this one of a kind internet dialogue between him, himself, and the daring few who join his crazy journey. The series that has sat on youtube for years is now finally within reach of the Itunes hive mind. Come ye many talk podcast nuts! Let's get things started.