In Her Shoes

In the third episode, you can take a walk in the shoes of Nerea Zabala Unzalu, who is a professor at the University of the Basque Country - UPV/EHU and a member of the Theory of Nanophotonics research group. She started her scientific career in the 90s in Spain, and after her PhD, she was literally disconnected from research during her two maternity leaves, as there was no internet at that time. She continued her research activity in the emergent field of plasmonics and photonics, which is the reason why she participates in the POSEIDON project. How has the experience of being a female scientist evolved and influenced her perception of gender inequality in the field? Listen what she has to say.

This episode was produced by AMIRES with the support of the POSEIDON nanophotonics project.

What is In Her Shoes?

Eager to cast a spotlight on the remarkable female scientists. "In Her Shoes" podcast, produced by AMIRES, uncovers the journey and life of women in science and it is hosted by Jana Mwangi.