Uri L'Tzedek: Orthodox Social Justice

Dr. Tanya White at Uri L’Tzedek on “‘Yirat Elokim’ – Fearing God as the Development of a Moral Conscience”

This shiur explored the idea of ‘yirat elokim’ as the development of moral conscience. Using the Akeida narrative as a framing paradigm it journeys through an exploration of the concept of yirat elokim in Torah including Yosef, the Hebrew midwives and Amalek (as the anti-paradigm). Integrating psychological, philosophical and traditional commentary our analysis will question the premise of Divine authority as a premise for ethical behavior and show how a deeper understanding of biblical narratives can help us navigate a path towards understanding some difficult religious and ethical dilemmas.

Watch the video recording of this class on Uri L’Tzedek’s YouTube channel:

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What is Uri L'Tzedek: Orthodox Social Justice?

Uri L’Tzedek is an Orthodox social justice organization guided by Torah values and dedicated to combating suffering and oppression. Through community-based education, leadership development, and action, Uri L’Tzedek creates discourse, inspires leaders, and empowers the Jewish community towards creating a more just world.