Science In Your Shopping Cart

Science In Your Shopping Cart Trailer Bonus Episode 1 Season 11

Season 11: Wholesome, Nutritious Grains | Episode 1: Kicking Off The Rust In Wheat

Season 11: Wholesome, Nutritious Grains | Episode 1: Kicking Off The Rust In WheatSeason 11: Wholesome, Nutritious Grains | Episode 1: Kicking Off The Rust In Wheat

Wheat is a big crop in the United States.  Stripe rust is one of the most important diseases for wheat.  ARS Research Plant Pathlogist, Xianming Chen and researchers with ARS’s Wheat Health, Genetics, and Quality Research Unit in Pullman Washington are testing and developing new varieties of wheat that are resistant to the crop’s major disease threats, including stripe rust.

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