No Rules To Live By

This conversation explores the topic of dementia and Alzheimer's, inspired by the personal experience of the host's grandmother who had Alzheimer's. The conversation also discusses the documentary "Little Empty Boxes" by Max Lugavere, which explores the connection between diet, brain health, and Alzheimer's. The importance of making conscious choices for brain health, such as exercise, avoiding processed foods, and incorporating fermented foods, is emphasized. The conversation highlights the need for proactive measures to counteract the misinformation and unhealthy food culture that contribute to the rise of Alzheimer's disease.

  • See Max Lugavere's documentary Little Empty Boxes
  • Make conscious choices for brain health, such as regular exercise and avoiding processed foods.
  • Incorporate fermented foods into your diet for their potential benefits to brain health.
  • Challenge the misinformation and unhealthy food culture that contribute to the rise of Alzheimer's disease.
  • Proactive measures are necessary to counteract the effects of chronic inflammation and promote brain health.

What is No Rules To Live By?

Brianna and Alicia weighing all the rules we adopt and shed. Focused on wellness, culture, and cultivating joy. Sharing stories to build connection to the collective.