Run Like a Woman

Researching and writing about spirituality may sound a bit airy-fairy, but as Robyn Wrigley-Carr discovered, it’s actually intensely practical. When Robyn hit burnout, she turned to biblical wisdom and spiritual practices to help her recover.

Show Notes

"All of us have limits and we have seasons. And there can be seasons where we really need to step back ..."

Robyn Wrigley-Carr learnt this lesson the hard way. At a time in her life when she was working too much and sleeping too little, Robyn hit burnout.

This caused her to reassess her lifestyle and her priorities.

In this episode, Robyn – an author and Associate Professor in theology and spirituality at Alphacrucis College in Sydney – shares practical advice on how to beat burnout.

Top two
Penny's recommendations: For the Joy – 21 Australian Missionary Mother Stories of Real Life & Faith, edited by Miriam Chan and Sophia Russell
Bec's recommendations: Fight Hustle, End Hurry podcast, by John Mark Comer & Jefferson Bethke

Books by Robyn Wrigley-Carr: Evelyn Underhill's Prayer Book (edited by Robyn Wrigley-Carr)
The Spiritual Formation of Evelyn Underhill
Music of Eternity: The Archbishop of York's Advent Book 2021 – Meditations For Advent With Evelyn Underhill

What is Run Like a Woman?

Run Like a Woman shines a light on the experiences of ordinary Australian Christian women.

From stories of resilience to practical advice, women share about their lives and how their faith has guided, sustained and grown them.

Hosted by Penny Mulvey and Bec Abbott, Run Like a Woman is part of the Eternity Podcast Network, which thousands of listeners tune into every week.

We hope this podcast will offer you encouragement, community and inspiration.

“Hearing raw, honest stories from other Christian women is a truly powerful thing. Even if their experience is different to mine, I have found it relatable and often healing. It resonates with me for a long time afterwards." – a Run Like a Woman listener