Mission Forge

Reels can get your foot in the door with video and allow you to have a great presence in the consumers' mind. The best is that you do not need to be on camera. Listen in.

Show Notes

Learn your options
Reels Instagram and FB, Tiktok, Stories, Youtube Shorts, 
GOAL-make you relevant and contemporary by using the 'coin of the realm' in a way that is not threatening to your sensibilities. 

Make a goal   minimum of 1 per month, increase to 1 every week or 10 days
Do not appear or speak in these videos (you can but you do not have to)
Learn the platforms and the value of the sound track option, use various templates
Free Audio tracks are very powerful
Keep in mind you are telling a very quick story, think 20-30 seconds 
7 content Ideas
1-Where I am that is interesting
2-What I see that is interesting
3-My listing-----
4-Fun day/interesting day in real estate
5-Pet Antics
6-A local business
7-A local event
8-Tap a trend and ride the wave.  Bonus.

What is Mission Forge?

Welcome to Mission Forge where we engage one another, empower each other, and elevate the real estate world around us.