Aaron Glover Sermons

Aaron Glover Sermons Trailer Bonus Episode 27 Season 1

Baby Jesus Coming Soon - Matt Ranshaw (Immanuel series #2)

Baby Jesus Coming Soon - Matt Ranshaw (Immanuel series #2)Baby Jesus Coming Soon - Matt Ranshaw (Immanuel series #2)


Join us for worship this week as our Youth Pastor Matt Ranshaw brings us a different perspective on the typical Christmas story. Instead of the picturesque version, we consider the deep faith that Mary and Joseph had in God to follow his plan. In the face of ridicule, rumors, and rejection, we can see how they trusted in God over anything else. We see how God's plans may not always make sense to the world, but His ways are higher than our ways.

Show Notes

Join us for worship this week as our Youth Pastor Matt Ranshaw brings us a different perspective on the typical Christmas story. Instead of the picturesque version, we consider the deep faith that Mary and Joseph had in God to follow his plan. In the face of ridicule, rumors, and rejection, we can see how they trusted in God over anything else. We see how God's plans may not always make sense to the world, but His ways are higher than our ways. 

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