Stories of Divine Providence at the Western Wall (The Kotel)

Excerpt from David Ashear’s Living Emunah page 181:
Rav Pesach Eliyahu Falk told over:

There was an orphan boy studying in a yeshiva in the holy land.
His friends were all getting married, but he didn’t have enough money to start dating.

You know a wedding is an expensive thing and so is renting an apartment!
His friends assured him that he and his friends would take care of raising funds. And they tried to raise the money.

But they couldn’t come up with enough money, and the wedding was fast approaching.

Finally, the orphan said. Let’s call him Yossi. Yossi says  “Enough. I am going straight to Hashem.”
That Friday morning, he turned to Hashem, at the Kotel- at the western wall.

He turned to Hashem and said ,“Hashem, you know that both my kallah
(finance) and I are both orphans. You are our father. Please help us get married and start a family. 

He took out a book of Tehillim (psalms) and read the whole book.
He said: ”Hashem, I’m not turning to humans anymore, I’m only turning to you.’ And he continued to say Tehillim.

A short while later, he felt a tap on his shoulder, and he turned around. “You look distressed, is there any way I can help you?”
Yossi said: 
“No thank you. I am talking to Hashem, only he can help me.”

For the third time, the boy looked up and turned towards Hashem: 
“Please help me. I don’t want to leave here until I see your salvation.”
Just then he felt another tap on the shoulder, it was the stranger again!

“ I heard you talking to Hashem, and you’re the person I’m looking for!
I will take care of everything you need. I just arrived in Eretz Yisrael (Israel) this morning. I had a major court case relating to taxes, and if I had lost, I would have been in poverty. I told Hashem that if I win the case, I will find an orphan boy or girl  who needs help with their wedding, and pay for the wedding, and continue to care for them after the wedding. I won the case, and I came here looking for someone to help.:

In Tehillim 146:3, which is recited in Psukey Dzimrah prayers, we recite, “ “Al Tivtichu Binidivim, Beven Adan Sheeyn Lo Teshuah” “Don’t trust in man-salvation doesn’t come from him.”
On the other hand:
“Baruch Hagever Asher Yivtach BaHashem”( Yirmiyahu 17:7): ’Blessed is the man who trusts in Hashem…’

Yeshuot Hashem Keheref Ayin-The salvation of Hashem can come in an instant!

What is Stories of Divine Providence at the Western Wall (The Kotel)?

The Title kind of says it all...