The Purpose, Practice, and Power of Prayer: A Saddleback Church Small Group Study

The Purpose, Practice, and Power of Prayer: A Saddleback Church Small Group Study Trailer Bonus Episode null Season 1

The Purpose, Practice, and Power of Prayer Trailer

The Purpose, Practice, and Power of Prayer TrailerThe Purpose, Practice, and Power of Prayer Trailer


The full study series is coming every week on Mondays beginning this Monday! Subscribe and let us know in the reviews any feedback or if it has been helpful to you!

Show Notes

A new small group series on prayer from Buddy Owens of Saddleback Church and Lumivoz Studios.

Creators & Guests

Buddy Owens
Teaching Pastor @Saddleback Church, focused on spiritual formation, and author of The Way of a Worshiper & Finding God in the Desert of the Soul.
Saddleback Church
Find your purpose and your place at Saddleback Church. No matter where you're at in life, we have a place for you. Welcome home! Bienvenido! Benvingut!

What is The Purpose, Practice, and Power of Prayer: A Saddleback Church Small Group Study?

The Scripture makes it clear that we are in a great cosmic battle. It is not a battle against people. It is a battle against spiritual forces of evil that are trying to destroy the work of God—in the world, and in our lives. But God has equipped us, empowered us, authorized us, and called us to partner with him in accomplishing his purposes on the earth. And we do it primarily through prayer. This is a small group Bible study series by Buddy Owens from Saddleback Church. Download the study guide here:

A Lumivoz podcast