Curiously Kristen

In this episode we're getting curious about the right to change your mind. With my move home to California coming up, I've been thinking about how our minds can change about both big and small things in our lives. And how we usually judge ourselves far more harshly than anyone else for changing our minds. This is about allowing yourself to grow and evolve. To reinvent and redefine who you are. How the people meant for you will accept all evolutions of you. And how ultimately, you don't need anyone's permission to change - other than your own. 

What is Curiously Kristen?

On this show, we talk about lots of things. Personal development, behavioral psychology, business trends, leadership, adventure travel, spiritual practice, starting over somewhere new, taking risks, failing, getting back up and trying again. The subject matter is broad but the connecting fiber is deep. WE'RE EXPLORING OUR CURIOSITY. Without judgement. Without needing permission. Here, we'll learn, grow, and become our best selves - by leaning into the things we're curious about and letting that curiosity pave our path to purpose.