Random History - The Comedy (or Tragedy) of Our Species

Did Napoleon ever say which general he regarded as his best opponent? If yes, who is it?

Show Notes

After answering the question "Did Napoleon ever say which general he regarded as his best opponent? If yes, who is it?" I shared it with friends when the subject came up and thought it had humor and was interesting.  So I decided to share it here

**Episode was republished on 15 August 2020 from the original recording and posting 8 January 2020 to reflect better sound recording equipment**

What is Random History - The Comedy (or Tragedy) of Our Species?

Exploring various topics of history and government with a feeble attempt at humor. Don't worry I lack the storytelling ability of a Dan Carlin, the commitment to a fast pace and consistent release schedule of a Mike Duncan. Nor do I have the calm and reassuring voice of a Robin Pierson. What I do have is some spare time and boredom and want to talk about random things in history.