Femtech Health Podcast

In this episode, Robert Greer, founder of Arms Medical, shares his journey into the world of women's health, specifically in the pelvic organ prolapse and stress urinary incontinence space. Robert discusses his motivation to help women regain confidence and spontaneity through innovative technologies like Dermapure, V-New, and D-Cell. He reflects on his background in the medical field, starting with Pfizer, and his evolution to founding his own company dedicated to improving pelvic floor health. Join us as we explore Robert's inspiring path and vision for revolutionizing women's healthcare.

  • (02:15) Robert Greer has been in the pelvic health space for 15 years, starting with mesh solutions and now focusing on regenerative technologies.
  • (13:26) Arms Medical has helped over 7,000 women with innovative and safe solutions for pelvic organ prolapse.
  • (26:30) Arms Medical is working on new projects to address conditions like fistula crisis and painful pelvic floor issues.
  • (38:31) Robert emphasizes the importance of collaboration, problem-solving, and innovation in his work.
  • (52:38) The vaginal dilator set by Arms Medical is a medical-grade plastic device that can be used in different positions for progressive dilation.
Host Bio

This podcast is hosted by Sheree Dibiase, PT ICLM. She is a nationally recognized women's health physical therapist who owns seven private clinics — one of the biggest networks in the US. She has spent 30+ years practicing in the oncology, pelvic floor, and prenatal postpartum healthcare spaces. She was also a professor for seven years a Loma Linda University where she taught kinesiology. 
Brought to you by...

https://lakecitypt.com/ - Women's health physical therapy.

https://pelvicfloorpro.com/ - Pelvic floor physical therapy from home. 

Femtech, Women's Health, Pelvic Floor, Breast Cancer, Prenatal & postpartum

What is Femtech Health Podcast?

Femtech and women's health podcast. We talk to leading experts in endometriosis, prenatal postpartum, pelvic floor, biotech and more. Join us weekly for conversations your OBGYN didn't even know existed.