The Non-Tech Founders' Podcast

In this episode we delve into finding product market fit as a solo, non-tech founder – preferably as early and with as little up-front investment as possible. 

We cover: 
  • What exactly product market fit is – and how we define it
  • The three stages to determining product market fit (market research, creating an MVP, and looking for signs of traction) 
  • How we think about product market fit for Client Portal and Feature Flux 
  • Subtle signs that might indicate that you don't have product market fit (even if everyone is saying that you do) 
  • Key considerations that every solo founder should keep in mind when determining product market fit
  • The least risky (but not necessarily fastest) way to build a SaaS with product market fit

Creators & Guests

Laura Elizabeth
Founder of Client Portal
Nathan Powell
Founder of Feature Flux

What is The Non-Tech Founders' Podcast?

Fortnightly conversations about running a business as a non-technical founder. Join Laura and Nathan as they navigate the developer-dominated world of entrepreneurship, bootstrapping and beyond.