Where's Our Participation Trophy?

Where's Our Participation Trophy? Trailer Bonus Episode 16 Season 1

Madonna That Sh!t Ft. Jonesy

Madonna That Sh!t Ft. JonesyMadonna That Sh!t Ft. Jonesy


Dayna Interviews the hilarious stand up comedian and podcast host of Weird AF news, Jonesy. We get into some of his early career mishaps and being booed off stage, his stand up, favorite Florida man show, and his upcoming gigs. He also talks about his acting gig in the desert and what it was like to take a punch.

What is Where's Our Participation Trophy??

Please note: This is an archived season of Where's Our Participation Trophy. Due to a technical error, we had to re-upload our episodes. Episodes may be out of order. Stay tuned for more coming from Where's Our Participation Trophy 🏆

Where's Our Participation Trophy is a show hosted by Dayna Pereira (Comedy Host and THE Participation Trophy Wife). Dayna chats with guests from all over the map about how they got over themselves to pursue what they love. WOPT digs in to imposter syndrome, mental health, spirituality, and self improvement with a hefty dose of comedy along for the ride. We might not be nailing it, but we're still gonna get that participation trophy!