Robservations with Rob Liefeld

Career connections are the result of extended runs that create crucial bonds between readers and creators! Rob shares the most important career advice he ever received from the one and only Todd McFarlane. One run may be all any title needs to launch a lifetime of impact and influence. Rob covers the inevitable but unlikely rise of Arthur Adams and the success of Legion of Super Heroes under Kieth Giffen.

Show Notes

Career connections are the result of extended runs that create crucial bonds between readers and creators! Rob shares the most important career advice he ever received from the one and only Todd McFarlane. One run may be all any title needs to launch a lifetime of impact and influence. Rob covers the inevitable but unlikely rise of Arthur Adams and the success of Legion of Super Heroes under Kieth Giffen. 

What is Robservations with Rob Liefeld?

Robservations is the new podcast by Comic Book Legend Rob Liefeld which exists to explore and celebrate comic books as an art form and their tremendous impact on the culture.