Conservation Tribe

In this episode I talk with Dr. Dayna Baumeister the Co-founder & Partner at Biomimicry 3.8. Send me a DM on instagram with any conservation and environmental related questions! @earth.offline (Earth Offline)

Show Notes

In this podcast we explore a range of topics including:
  • What is biomimicry, where did it start and what is the rationale behind the philosophy?
  • What are the implications and consequences, from a biomimicry perspective, of destroying ecosystems, killing species and losing biodiversity?
  • There are signs that our planet is in the midst of its 6th mass extinction - do you believe that animals, plants and other forms of life, hold the answers to many of the problems that threaten their very existence?
  • What are some examples of biomimicry solutions and research that is applied to help conserve species and/or ecosystems?
  • Climate change poses a fundamental threat to places, ecosystems and species, including humans - how can we use biomimicry to design solutions for mitigating and reversing climate change?
  • What are the main road blocks that need to be addressed to make biomimicry a mainstream approach and philosophy?
  • Plus more!
You can connect with us here:

Guest - Dr. Dayna Baumeister (Co-founder & Partner at Biomimicry 3.8):
Biomimicry Workshop - Costa Rica:
Website - Biomimicry 3.8 :
Website - The Biomimicry Institute :

Host - Blane Edwards from Earth Offline:

Are you a wildlife conservationist, environmentalist or eco activist? Then this podcast might be for you! Click SUBSCRIBE to join our TRIBE! :)

What is Conservation Tribe?

The Conservation Tribe is a weekly podcast which interviews a range of conservationists and natural world enthusiasts - from scientists, students, creatives, ecopreneurs, innovators and everyone in between! I created this podcast with the mission to EDUCATE, foster COLLABORATION and ultimately INSPIRE ACTION to protect species, ecosystems and biodiversity!

SUBSCRIBE to our TRIBE! 🌏🦧♻️

Podcast host: Blane Edwards aka Earth Offline