Putting It Together

Tara Young was born and raised in Alberta. She dreamed of working in the theatre and by 20 had already had the fortune of dancing on stage with Liza Minnelli. Soon after Susan Stroman selected her to work on Celebration of Sondheim at Carnegie Hall. In this interview you'll hear about her career but more importantly about Tara's life and what she finds the most joy in now.

Show Notes

Tara Young was born and raised in Alberta. She dreamed of working in the theatre and by 20 had already had the fortune of dancing on stage with Liza Minnelli. Soon after Susan Stroman selected her to work on Celebration of Sondheim at Carnegie Hall. In this interview you'll hear about her career but more importantly about Tara's life and what she finds the most joy in now.

The print interview with Tara mentioned in the podcast: https://www.theatreartlife.com/lifestyle/tara-young-interview-broadway-dubai/

Trailer for Stepping Out: https://youtu.be/IFcAKT82yeQ

Clip of Susan Stroman from a 1992 Working In the Theatre interview: https://youtu.be/pg-S0FZ8bMk

Clip of Gillian Lynne from a 2005 Working In the Theatre interview: https://youtu.be/w6Awhqbbnb0

Our sponsors this week are:
1. ATB Branch for Arts and Culture - atb.com/thebranch - Beyond hosting exhibits and performances, the Branch focuses on understanding the unique personal and business financial challenges artists face.
2. Alberta Health Services - ahs.ca/options - Know your options so you can get the care you need when you need it. The best place to start is with Health Link at 811 or your family doctor.

Send feedback to puttingittogetherpodcast@gmail.com

Putting It Together is a proud member of The Alberta Podcast Network, powered by ATB. Here's their link again: https://www.albertapodcastnetwork.com

Recorded at Media Lab YYC. Media Lab is a public production studio located in downtown Calgary, Alberta. They help you tell your story. They do this by assisting in the creation of videos and podcasts. Find more information at: http://medialabyyc.com

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What is Putting It Together?

This is a podcast about Stephen Sondheim's entire body of work show by show and song by song. Each week Kyle Marshall invites an expert to discuss a Sondheim song in-depth. Together they discover the humour, how the songs inform character, and any hidden meanings. Most importantly they try to understand the man behind the music, the Shakespeare of our time, as best they can.