Welcome to Be True, Be Happy, Be Yourself show, I'm Yuki Miyaki. In this episode, I will be sharing with you my personal story and the power of leader mindset.

Show Notes

Transcript for Ep 16:

Welcome to Be True, Be Happy, Be Yourself show, I'm Yuki Miyaki. In this episode, I will be sharing  with you my personal story and the power of leader mindset. 

Do you believe in destiny? I believe you have also heard such words : "This is my destiny, I have to accept my fate..." and so on. But does destiny really determine our life? Or can we change our  destiny and decide what kind of life we want to live in? In fact, it is not difficult to change your  destiny.  

Firstly change your belief and thinking. The theme I want to share with you today is how our beliefs  can change our destiny. 

In fact, our belief thinking is cultivated before everyone knows it from an invisible belief thinking to  a mentality, and finally forming our habits, and then creating our destiny. All of this is an  automatic model, formed unconsciously. 

For example, when I was young, I encountered criticism and it traumatised me as I grew up: "I felt  that I was useless and that nobody loved or respected me." Well, as we grow up, when we  encounter problems we will naturally recall the past memories , and then our minds will remind us  of the trauma we suffered. This will become a cycle. If we are not aware of it and do not change this  habit in time, we will be encountering such incidents repeatedly, and living in the role of a victim  unconsciously. 

Let me give you another example. When we were young, elders and our parents will  often say that : “It’s difficult to earn money. It is really hard to make a living and that you have to  work harder to have a better life.” Slowly these words will be in our minds. When we think of  growing up, we will feel we have to work hard so that we can be successful. As money never comes  easily. 

Faith creates thinking and thinking creates reality. As a result, many people try harder and harder yet  nothing is changing. However, when you discover that all this while you were living under the  trauma, you will soon crave to change. Perhaps when we are starting to change, the trauma is still  there. However as we adapt to the changes we made, it will turn into a habit. We no longer put  ourselves in a victimized situation, and start to determine our fate by ourselves. 

After going through the process of rewriting fate, you will find that we are happy. Because we have  the opportunity to learn and be aware, and not living in the opinions of others. From then on, we 
know how to accept our true self. To be the master of our life, and be responsible towards  ourselves. In addition, don’t blame your parents or elders for influencing such belief and thinking on  you. After all, they were not as fortunate as us to have an opportunity to learn like what we are  learning at the moment. They are just trying their best to share with us what they have learned from  the previous generation and also with their experiences. We cannot choose to be born, but we can  choose how to live. To rewrite our destiny has nothing to do with others. It all depends on your wish. 

For now, I bet most of you are lost as you do not know where to start. Am I right? Well, You can start from the following three steps. 

1. Observe your own consistent thinking pattern.  

Every time the same incident occurs, try to observe your own thinking, try and recall why this  thinking constantly appears. When did this start?

2. Think differently.  

When you are aware of your usual thinking mode  

Firstly, You can try to give different reactions to your thinking or You can try to transform your usual  thinking mode.  

Don't be afraid of change and let yourself embrace the endless possibilities.  

3. Practise makes perfect  

It takes at least 21 days to develop a new habit. Remember that when you start to transform your  belief, you will be very uncomfortable, and you will also have self-doubt and contradictions.

However, you need constant practice to develop a new belief and thinking. So, a new life will begin. 

Belief changes thinking, thinking changes mentality, mentality changes action, action changes habit,  habit changes character, and character changes destiny. To change destiny, first establish faith! 

I have also experienced a change from a habitual belief thinking mode. I have learned through a lot  of studies, such as courses or books, why 
I have developed such belief thinking unconsciously, and  realized that it was all due to the influence from my native family.  
I hope that by sharing my story, will inspire you have the courage get a change and create abundance life. 

Connect with me on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn and the links will be in the show notes. 

I look forward to seeing you in my next episode where I will be sharing with you more stories about  my life and how you can Be True, Be Happy and Be Yourself!
