Child Chat

Discussion about how Child Chat came to be, its mission, and why both the host and producer decided to embark on this journey.
Host: Parker Kalmen, student of Child and Adolescent Studies at CSUF
Producers: Parker Kalmen & Dr. Claudia G. Pineda, Assistant Professor in Child and Adolescent Studies at CSUF

What is Child Chat?

The goal of Child Chat is to broadcast important and necessary topics within the Child Development field geared towards students of Child and Adolescent Studies (CAS) at CSUF. Each episode focuses on a child development topic or on experiences of CAS students. Episodes highlight key ideas, research, and debates relevant to students who intend to work with children. Child Chat aims to be an outlet outside of the classroom where concepts and research come to life through engaging conversations with professionals in the field as well as with other students. The podcast is hosted and co-produced by CAS students under the supervision of Dr. Claudia G. Pineda, Assistant Professor in Child and Adolescent Studies at CSUF.