INGSA Horizons

Is Strategic Foresight just about predicting the future? How can foresight be accomplished in a systematic and informed way that can actually help policymakers? And what are such things as 'Radical Incrementalism', 'Constructive Ambiguity', and 'Focus Contextualism'?

Show Notes

The concept of ‘foresight’ has been in and out of fashion with governments for decades, and the science community has been calling attention to long-term issues for even longer. Yet, the world was still unprepared for Covid-19 in the same way that we will be surprised when the impact of climate change and other SDG challenges begin to accelerate through cumulative impact cycles.

Why do successive governments fail to act? Does science advice have a role in accelerating a meaningful anticipatory response to long-term systemic issues?

  • Dr Jeff Kinder, Institute on Governance
  • President Francisco Sagasti, Academic and Former President of Peru
  • Ms Jeanette Kwek, Centre for Strategic Futures, Singapore
  • Dr Claire A. Nelson, The Future Forum
  • Dr Martin Müller, Geneva Science and Diplomacy Anticipator

What is INGSA Horizons?

Great conversations at the intersection between science, society and policy. Brought to you by the world's leading network for science advice and science diplomacy practitioners, INGSA Horizons is a podcast of challenging topics of interest to everyone. COVID pulled back the curtain on the importance of good science informing smart policy - join us as we explore this critical, but often invisible, space between.