I Hear Things

This week, some detective work, as we look at some new data on podcasting from the Infinite Dial Canada. Also: who is your podcast for? Not everybody...

Show Notes

This is one episode that I encourage you to check out my newsletter at http://ihearthin.gs for additional analysis--there are lots of graphs there which help process the data better for those with a visual preference. Also, a couple of your asked about removing the background music. I saw no reason not to oblige.

Links I mentioned:

The Infinite Dial Canada: https://www.edisonresearch.com/the-infinite-dial-2021-canada/
Canadian employment stats: https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/11-631-x/11-631-x2020003-eng.htm
Seth Rogen's podcast announcement: https://variety.com/2021/digital/news/seth-rogen-podcast-comedy-1234970579/
Find Your Red Thread pre-orders: https://tamsenwebster.com/book/
Clubhouse Users in America registration: https://tomwebster.media/ghost/#/editor/post/609e66ccb07d8c6e4055d658

What is I Hear Things?

A weekly perspective on the business of audio, including podcasting, smart audio, streaming music, social audio, and everything else you stick in your earballs. Hosted by 20+ year audio veteran Tom Webster, SVP of Edison Research.