Little Red Bandwagon

It’s the end of the TBTL 2019 Summer Games, and your LRB recappers have laced up our Air Jordan McNasty 25s for the final match. We reflect on the second week of (improved) quizzes, the problems with ska, why you really should consider those tattoos in advance, and why Andrew shouldn’t be embarrassed about that feature piece he did for Tamara Keith. Mike is stocking up on anvils and TNT. Meredith reviews Stranger Things Season 3. Ann reminisces fondly about the OK Soda hotline (1-800-I-FEEL-OK). And in pet news, the cats of LRB are preparing for Thunderdome. Come to our picnic and watch us make your children cry.

Show Notes

It’s the end of the TBTL 2019 Summer Games, and your LRB recappers have laced up our Air Jordan McNasty 25s for the final match. We reflect on the second week of (improved) quizzes, the problems with ska, why you really should consider those tattoos in advance, and why Andrew shouldn’t be embarrassed about that feature piece he did for Tamara Keith. Mike is stocking up on anvils and TNT. Meredith reviews Stranger Things Season 3. Ann reminisces fondly about the OK Soda hotline (1-800-I-FEEL-OK). And in pet news, the cats of LRB are preparing for Thunderdome.

Come to our picnic and watch us make your children cry.

What is Little Red Bandwagon?

A weekly show brought to you in two parts where Mike Frizzell, Christy Wise, Meredith Van Harn, Robert Pape, Ann Lundholm, and Hillary Livingston Butler analyze the previous week's TBTL, Interview the Tens of listeners, and play classic moments in TBTL history.