Health Affairs This Week

Listen to Health Affairs' Chris Fleming and Georgetown University's Katie Keith discuss the latest measures states are considering in adopting a public option for health care coverage.

Show Notes

President Joe Biden included the public health insurance option, commonly referred to as the "public option," as a major pillar of his health care platform during the 2020 presidential campaign.

To date, the public option hasn't been included in the discourse for the Biden administration. Instead the administration has focused on supporting the Affordable Care Act, among other agenda items.

Now states are leading the charge and considering the adoption of public option policies. Nevada's Governor stated earlier this month that they would sign a public option bill while Colorado is also considering a public option. Washington adopted similar legislation in 2019.

On today's episode, Georgetown University's Katie Keith joins Health Affairs Blog Editor Chris Fleming to discuss the latest on how states are leading the way on the public option. In addition, Katie shares her insights on where the major Affordable Care Act case - California v. Texas - currently stands in the Supreme Court.

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Andrew Barnes
Andrew Barnes wrote the theme music for Health Affairs This Week. He writes music under the name Fake Fever.

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