Abigail Favale talks with Erika Bachiochi about feminism, contraception, and virtue.

Show Notes

In this episode, Abigail Favale meets with legal scholar Erika Bachiochi to discuss feminism and the many hot topics associated with it. What does "sexual asymmetry" mean?  Has contraception helped or harmed women's position in society? What does virtue have to do with our sexuality?

A fellow of the Ethics & Public Policy Center, Erika Bachiochi is a legal scholar specializing in Equal Protection jurisprudence, feminist legal theory, Catholic social teaching, and sexual ethics. She is also a Senior Fellow at the Abigail Adams Institute in Cambridge, MA, where she founded and directs the Wollstonecraft Project. Her newest book, The Rights of Women: Reclaiming a Lost Vision, was published by Notre Dame University Press in 2021.

Professor Abigail Favale completed her doctorate at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland, where she was a recipient of the competitive Overseas Research Award. In 2011, her dissertation was granted the Samuel Rutherford Prize for the most distinguished thesis in English literature.
Check out Abigail's academic profile.

To connect with more of her work, visit her website.

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